Worship Ministries

The Liturgy is our worship of God as a community. It takes 40 or 50 people working on a Sunday morning in different roles and tasks to make our songs and prayers to God. That is why when we list our 'ministers', we say "The People of St. John's." You are welcome to explore the ministries and leadership roles that you are drawn to. Allow us to welcome you onto a team
The Acolyte ministry is a team of youth (sixth grade or older) and adults who assist clergy during our worship services. Duties of the Acolytes include leading the procession and recession while carrying the cross, carrying torches, assisting clergy in the preparation for the Eucharist and assorted other duties. This ministry is always looking for new acolytes.
Altar Flower Delivery
Brighten someone's day by distributing the altar flowers after the Sunday 10:15 service . Flowers are given to a church visitor or to the parishioner who gave them in tribute, or to a volunteer willing to deliver the flowers to a community member who is homebound, or in hospital, hospice, or rehab. Volunteers are scheduled once a month.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are trained to administer the sacrament (the bread or wine) to persons during the Holy Eucharist.
Liturgical Planning Team
The Liturgy Committee works with the clergy in planning services to create liturgical expressions that are outwardly focused, dynamic, and participatory. We draw our prayers and music from varied sources with the Anglican tradition. Members of this committee are appointed by the rector.
Oblation Presenters
Oblation Presenters bring forward the bread and wine for communion on behalf of the congregation. The ushers or Sunday School teachers may ask you to present oblations on any given Sunday. All are invited to participate. Our youngest members particularly enjoy this responsibility.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild supports St. John's worship services by setting up for Eucharists, baptisms, weddings, funerals and memorial services. They ensure the bread, wine, chalices, and such are in place and ready. They also care for altar hangings, linens, candles, and communion supplies. Most members are assigned just one weekend a month..
Bread Baking Ministry
This ministry bakes the St. John's gluten free communion bread used in our worship services. We welcome new bakers and will help you or answer your questions. Each week the bulletin lists the volunteer who baked this week's bread so be sure to thank them.
Greeters welcome and connect with all who come to St. John's. We are those friendly helpful faces who greet you when you arrive and help you feel comfortable and welcome. We also connect with visitors and new comers at the coffee hour and often later for conversation and connection.
Liturgical Arts Team
If you are interested in creating altar decorations, vestments, banners, or other textiles for use in enhancing our worship, this ministry is for you.
The role of the Ushers at St. John's is to greet and welcome all who come to the church, help all to be comfortable (especially visitors) and provide security for those attending services.
Altar Memorials and Thanksgivings
This ministry provides you the opportunity to honor family or friends with a memorial, tribute or thank you. Your tribute message appears in the Sunday bulletin on the date you request and your donation contributes to the cost of the altar flowers. The suggested minimum donation is $25 but any donation is appreciated. Donations by check are payable to St. John's Episcopal Church with flower memorial in the memo line and can be placed in the offering or mailed to the church office.
Closers and Openers
An group who arrive on Sundays before the first service to unlock and open doors, turn on lights and heat. They also ensure after the second Sunday service or other parish events that the building is locked up and secure. They are a dedicated group that every six weeks or so, give about 40 minutes of their time to open and close the building for all of us.
Lectors are lay readers who read assigned passages from scripture at Sunday and special worship services. Typically lectors are called upon once a month to read.
If you are interested in serving in any of these roles, please contact The Rev. Gerardo Aponte-Safe