Upcoming Events
The Bible: bit by bit
Interested in reading the Bible but not sure where to start? Wanting background information to better understand the Bible? Come join us as we take the Bible bit by bit, reading it together and learning more about its context in order to better understand what it has to teach us today. We'll meet on the fourth Sundays of the month at 9:05am (between our two worship services) in the Community Room.
These session will be in-person only, and not recorded. Absolutely no experience necessary. We can't wait to see you!
Pre-Session Assignment: Read the first 15 Chapters of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. What do you notice? Who were these stories written for, by whom, for what purpose?
Sunday, September 15 after the 10:15am service
Kickoff Sunday and Parish Picnic Plan to attend the beginning of the Program Year for Sunday School, Choir and other programs. We'll celebrate with an ALL PARISH PICNIC on 9/15 after the 10:15am service. Come and get to know your fellow parishioners!
We'll provide sub sandwiches, pizza and beverages. You bring sides and desserts. FOOD SIGN UP
We’re also in need of several volunteers for set up and take down on both Saturday (9/14) and Sunday (9/15). VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
P.S. Don't forget to bring a lawn chair - we'll have some chairs, but need everyone who can to bring their own.
Prayer Service on the Anniversary of 9/11/2001
Wednesday September 11, 1pm in the St. John's Chapel
We will gather for prayer on this day as many remember and grieve the tragic acts of terrorism. Join us for a time of silent contemplation and prayer for peace.
St. John's Hiking Group - Outdoor Eucharist Saturday, September 21, 10am-12pm at Maybury State Park
Join us for a meditative walk/hike as we listen to the song of creation and ground ourselves in the beauty of the natural world around us. We'll share in a time of prayer and thanksgiving, including Eucharist outdoors. People of all ages are welcome! Questions? Reach out to Pastor Gerardo or Veronica Griffith.
Faith and Justice Retreat Saturday, September 28 ~ 10am-12pm
What does it look like to put our faith into action for the world that God so loves? Join us as we pray, dialogue, and learn together about important issues affecting our extended community. Whether you've attended Faith and Justice meetings before or if you are interested or curious about outreach ministries, there's room for you at the table!
Blessing of the Animals (Pet Blessing) Sunday, October 6,
4pm-5pm at Meininger Park, Royal Oak
Bring your animal companion (on leash or in crates) for a special blessing in celebration of God's love manifested in our pets. We also bless the memory of those pets who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Plan to stay after to share fun animal stories, get to know one another, and play with the pets. People of all ages are welcome, so please share with your friends!