Weddings, Baptism, and Funerals

Marriage is a union of two persons in heart, body, and mind. A couple who is married in the church receives God’s blessing on their marriage.
Please review the St. John's Wedding Planning Guide. Also the church seating capacity chart is available here for your review.

Baptism is one of the two most important sacraments of the Church, the other is the Holy Eucharist. Baptism is administered to individuals of any age who have not been previously baptized in any other Christian denomination. If someone is joining the Episcopal church from another denomination, their baptism in that denomination is recognized and acknowledged.
We believe Baptism to be a service of Christian initiation by which the individual baptized becomes a member of the body of Christ and the Church. Speaking for themselves or through the promises made by sponsors, called God Parents, the individuals vow to follow the Christian teachings and way of life.
Since baptism is the rite of Christian initiation, it is a celebration of the church in which the newly baptized is warmly welcomed into the Christian Community. All baptisms take place in the presence of the congregation during worship.
Those interested in the sacrament of Holy Baptism may call the parish office (248-546-1255), or contact the clergy directly to set up a baptismal preparation session.
Baptisms are celebrated on those occasions designated by the Book of Common Prayer:
The Easter Vigil, (March or April, depending on the year)
The Day of Pentecost (May)
Sunday after All Saints’ Day (November)
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord (January)
On occasions when a bishop is present
We encourage people to meet with our clergy and make their funeral preparations long before they will be needed. Family members may contact the clergy at the time of death to make arrangements for a funeral in the church.
Ashes of parishioners may be interred in the Resurrection Garden at St. John’s by making prior arrangements.
Please contact a member of the clergy at 248-721-4325 or by email as soon as possible when a loved one who is a member of the parish has died.