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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the campaign goal?

The goal of the campaign is to respond to what God is leading us to do in terms of projects and our giving. Our goal is for everyone to seek God’s will for their giving by praying, “God, what do you want to do through me?”


How were the projects selected and what is their priority?

The projects included in the capital campaign are the result of research, preparation, study, and prayer on behalf of the Vestry, Clergy, and Capital Campaign Committee. Based on the congregation’s input, several projects were removed from consideration. We are not prepared to rank the projects unless required to do so at some point in the future if we find ourselves facing financial constraints.


How much will this cost the church?

The total estimated cost of all three projects is currently $1.8 million. These costs are very educated estimates based on extensive research but may change as we refine the final design.


What alternatives have we considered for accessibility?  Is there a cheaper option?

Multiple design options were carefully considered and reviewed with the congregation during the feasibility study. The current proposal is the least expensive option that achieves our goal of a welcoming and accessible church.


What options were considered for the heating and cooling system?

After careful study, the best option that emerged was to replace our outdated, inefficient, and unreliable boiler while adding air conditioning to the sanctuary, chapel, and Jatho Hall.  This system will also have the capacity to cool additional spaces in the future and will produce significant annual savings in repair and maintenance costs.


What options were considered for the roof?

Our roof system consists of many different roof types and configurations.  We evaluated the current conditions of all areas of the roof with a professional contractor and determined the best option was to complete repairs necessary to extend the expected life span of all roof areas by approximately 10 years.


What happens if we do not meet our financial goal?

The three selected projects are all considered an integral part of our vision for moving St. John’s into our second century.  If our fundraising does not provide full funding for the projects, the Vestry will review options for phasing work, taking on some short-term debt, or finding new ways to reduce project costs.


Are there grants or other incentives we can tap into to help pay for any of these projects? 

We will apply for all available matching grants and incentives. Realistically, these are likely to only support a small percentage of project financing.


When will capital campaign commitments be received? What about our pledges to the annual budget?

On Sunday, November 17, we will celebrate Commitment Sunday by committing our pledges for our annual pledge campaign and the capital campaign.  Everyone is asked to prayerfully consider making a 3-year gift to the capital campaign in addition to their annual pledge. It’s important that your gifts to the capital campaign not come at the expense of the annual fund or we will not have the necessary resources to fund our annual budget and support our on-going ministries.


What is “First Fruits” Sunday?

On both December 1 and 8, everyone is invited to make a “First Fruits” offering as their first installment of a three-year commitment to the capital campaign.  These important first gifts will help move our projects forward.   


Can assets other than cash be contributed?

Yes! You may contribute assets other than cash such as investment securities, real estate, or other assets and may experience a tax benefit in doing so. Please discuss this with your financial advisor as St. John’s cannot offer tax advice.


What if I make a pledge to the capital campaign and cannot fulfill it over the three years?

We ask that everyone prayerfully consider what they can sacrificially give when making their commitment to the capital campaign but realize that circumstances change over time.  We understand that not everyone is in the same position to give.  We are asking parishioners for equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.


Why did the Vision Brochure put the total cost at $1.6M and the new estimate is $1.8M?

As we’ve further defined the projects with the architects and contractors, total cost estimates have increased.  In addition, architects’ fees and new furnishings were not included in previous estimates.

For more information contact:


Marie Donigan, Capital Campaign Co-Chair

 (248) 505-2195


Will Wittig, Capital Campaign Co-Chair

248-506-6781 (Please leave a message)

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